SimplyQuoteInsightsTaxi Insurance19 Safety tips for taxi drivers

19 Safety tips for taxi drivers

Taxi drivers need to remain alert, be able to “read” passengers, safeguard their cash, and know how to handle emergencies.

The taxi industry is high-risk and drivers must know how to stay safe. After all, they are not only responsible for their safety, but also for their vehicle, passengers, and earnings.

In this guide, we’ll outline 19 tips on how you can protect yourself as a taxi driver.

7 Personal safety tips

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6 Vehicle safety tips

3 Money-handling safety tips

3 Emergency safety tips

Final thoughts

Frequently Asked Questions

Are taxi drivers allowed to carry weapons for their own safety?

No, taxi drivers and civilians are not permitted to carry any kind of weapon in the UK. This includes pepper spray. Any taxi driver found with such items will face legal charges and may have their licence suspended or revoked.

Are dash cams and CCTV legal in UK taxis?

Yes, dash cams and CCTV are allowed to be used in taxis. However, drivers must comply with data protection regulations and inform passengers that they are being recorded.

What should I do if I suddenly feel unsafe during a ride?

If you suddenly feel unsafe with a passenger, remain calm and drive to a well-lit, populated area. Calmly inform the passenger that you are unable to complete the fare. If you are unable to stop the car, try to dial 999 discretely or press your vehicle panic button.