SimplyQuoteInsightsTaxi InsuranceAre private hire taxi drivers self-employed in the UK?

Are private hire taxi drivers self-employed in the UK?

Yes, most private hire drivers in the UK are considered self-employed, whether they’re driving a black cab, using a personal vehicle or working for a ride-hailing company like Uber. This applies to freelance, part-time, and full-time drivers alike.

In fact, according to the Transport of London – the regulatory body for taxi and private hire services – all London cabbies are classified as self-employed drivers.

But what does it really mean to be self-employed? What financial obligations come with this status? What are the benefits of operating private hire vehicles (PHVs) and how do you become a private hire driver in Great Britain?

Luckily, this guide answers all of the above – and more.

What does self-employment mean for private hire taxi drivers?

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What are the benefits of being a self-employed taxi driver?

How to become a private hire taxi driver in the UK?

Final thoughts

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a self-employed private hire taxi driver?

A private hire driver is a taxi driver who carries passengers who book transport services through a ride-hailing app or pre-booked system like Uber, Ola, or Bolt. The self-employed part means they work for themselves, can set their own hours, and choose where and when they want to work.

Are private hire taxi services cheaper than black cab drivers?

Most times, private hire services are cheaper than black cabs. This is because private cabbies can set their own taxi fares, whereas black cabs’ (i.e. public hire taxis) prices are monitored and controlled by local authorities. For instance, the Transport of London (TfL) controls public hire taxi fares in London.

Are Uber drivers employed or self-employed?

Not exactly. While Uber drivers are ‘self-employed’ in the sense that they can pick and choose their working hours, the UK Supreme Court ruled in 2021 that Uber drivers are in fact workers/employees. This means they are entitled to paid holidays and sick days as per employment law.

Are rideshare drivers self-employed?

Yes, those in the rideshare business are self-employed taxi drivers because they use their personal vehicle to transport passengers from A to B. “Rideshare” is a typical American term that means the same as private hire driving in the UK.

How many self-employed private hire drivers operate in the UK?

84% of taxi and private hire vehicles (PHVs) were classed as self-employed drivers in 2023 – an 8% increase from 2010 as per government statistics.