SimplyQuoteInsightsTaxi InsuranceHow much does it cost to become a taxi driver?

How much does it cost to become a taxi driver?

It costs between £1,000 and £1,740 to become a taxi driver in the UK. These fees account for application process fees, knowledge tests, medical certificates, and background screening, among other things. This cost applies to public and private hire drivers but does not include the annual taxi insurance costs.

The cost of becoming a taxi driver in the UK will vary depending on the location. London cab drivers, for example, have higher initial costs compared to those in other UK regions.

If you are considering becoming a taxi driver, read on to see what other costs you are liable for.

What are the start-up costs for new taxi drivers?

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What are the ongoing costs for taxi drivers in the UK?

Is there a way to save on costs?

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the average salary of a UK taxi driver?

The average salary for a UK taxi driver is between £14,000 and £30,000 a year. This is based on the assumption that weekly working hours are between 41 and 43 hours.

How old do you have to be to become a taxi driver?

Most councils require taxi drivers to be over the age of 21; however, 18-year-olds may apply for a taxi driving licence in some regions. Some areas require a minimum of one year of driving experience before applying for a taxi licence, while others require three years.

Where can a taxi driver make the most money in the UK?

Manchester is the most lucrative place for a UK taxi driver. On average, the annual income in this region is £46,526.

How long does it take to become a taxi driver?

It can take between 12 and 16 weeks to become an official UK taxi driver if you have applied via your local council. Those who have opted to take a college course before applying may add a few more days to the above-mentioned period.