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How to make conversations with passengers

Making your passengers feel at ease, asking open-ended questions and snagging topics from current events are great ways to make conversation when transporting people from A to B.

Conversing with taxi passengers can significantly improve the overall experience for both you and your riders. A friendly chat might alleviate anxiety for first-time customers, create a sense of calm for busy executives, or provide opportunities to make lasting connections.

It can transform ordinary trips into extraordinary experiences, sweetening the deal for your riders and boosting your repertoire.

But we understand not everyone has the gift of the gab – and not every customer wants to talk.

So how exactly do you get the conversation started? Continue reading if you want to know more.

9 Tips to start great conversations with your passengers

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What not to do when making small talk with passengers

Final thoughts

Frequently Asked Questions

How to make small talk with taxi customers?

The best way to make small talk with your taxi customers is to ask open-ended questions. Always try to keep the conversation light, positive, and polite. A few examples include:

  • How has your day been so far?
  • Is this your first time in the city?
  • Have you seen the latest art installation downtown?
  • Have you been to this area of town before?
  • What are your plans while you’re here on holiday?
Will talking to passengers improve my taxi driver rating?

The short answer is: it depends. This is because most people hire taxi services as a form of transportation; they don’t necessarily hire a taxi driver for a chat. However, should you and your passengers hit it off with great conversations, they’re more likely to give you a tip or leave a good review on your website.