SimplyQuoteInsightsTaxi InsuranceWhat expenses can a taxi driver claim?

What expenses can a taxi driver claim?

The expenses taxi drivers can claim include fuel, vehicle repairs, licence fees, taxi insurance, mileage, and toll fees.

Various jobs and industries have allowable expenses that can be claimed. As a taxi driver, it’s important to know exactly what expenses this entails.

As a public hire taxi driver, are you claiming for the 11 things listed below? And what additional claims can be made by other drivers?

Let’s explore the nuances of taxi driver tax.

What expenses can taxi drivers claim as tax relief?

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Do claims differ between public and private hire taxi drivers?

Do claims differ for self-employed taxi drivers?

Final thoughts

Frequently Asked Questions

What is capital allowance?

Capital allowance is much like a tax-deductible expense. In the case of taxi drivers, this would refer to the money spent on a vehicle for the purpose of long-term business growth.

Can I claim tax relief on fines?

No, taxi drivers cannot claim traffic fines or parking tickets as a business expense.

What is the best way to keep track of my expenses?

You can keep track of your expenses and mileage in a logbook. If you are extremely busy, accounting software and other online tools will make your life easier, especially when filling out a tax return.

How do I calculate how much income tax I owe for the tax year?

You must subtract any business expenses from your total income to calculate your taxable profit. Your total income is made up of:

  • Tips
  • Ride fares
  • Bonuses

You’ll pay income tax on the remaining profit after this calculation.